










l   Frontiers in Microbiology (section Extreme Microbiology) review editor

l   Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Science of The Total Environment, Scientific Data, BMC Genomics等期刊审稿人

l   iMeta青年编委


我的研究领域是环境微生物学,特别是极端环境微生物基因组学和生态学,主要研究对象为匹配有生理或环境参数的全基因组和高完整度的MAGsMetagenome Assembled Genomes,宏基因组组装基因组)。目前主要研究青藏高原和极地冰川、冻土等低温环境微生物。结合基因组学技术和基本生态学原理进行微生物生态类型的划分。在此基础上,分析微生物不同生态类型的遗传基础和代谢特征,并通过生理实验的方法验证遗传基础与表型特征之间的关系。探索青藏高原冰川及其周围生活着哪些类型的微生物;了解它们在寒冷环境中进化和繁盛的遗传基础;发掘极端环境特色微生物资源,并评估它们对生态系统变化(比如气候变化和人类活动)的响应。

以第一作者或通讯作者在《微生物学报》、《The ISME Journal》、《Microbiome》、《BMC Biology》、《Extremophile》和《Geomicrobiology Journal》等国内外微生物生态学、基因组学和地质微生物学领域的期刊发表论文18篇。


·         原生功能群种确定,2023-2023,主持

·         Bsports必一运动博士启动基金,2019-2022,主持

·         国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,417010852018-2020,主持

·         博士后基金面上项目一等资助,2016M5901402016-2019,主持


一、 代表性论文及论著:

1. 发表论文 (Selected publications)

(1) Shen L*, Liu Y*, Chen L, Lei T, Ren P, Ji M, Song W, Lin H, Su W, Wang S, Rooman M*, Pucci F* (2024) Genomic basis of environmental adaptation in the widespread poly-extremophilic Exiguobacterium group. The ISME Journal, 18(1): wrad020.

(2) Shen L*, Hu Jiayu, Zhang Luyao, Wu Zirui, Chen Liangzhong, Paudel Adhikari Namita, Ji Mukan, Chen Shaoxing, Peng Fang*, Liu Yongqin (2024) Genomics-based identification of a cold adapted clade in Deinococcus. BMC Biology, 10.1186/s12915-024-01944-8.

(3) Chen L, Hong T, Wu Z, Song W, Chen SX*, Liu Y, Shen L* (2023) Genomic analyses reveal a low-temperature adapted clade in Halorubrum, a widespread haloarchaeon across global hypersaline environments. BMC Genomics, 24: 508.

(4) 雷婷婷;陈良仲;陈绍兴;沈亮*;微生物对低温极端环境适应性的研究进展. 微生物学报,202262(6): 2150–2164.

(5) Liang Shen; Yongqin Liu*; Michelle A. Allen; Baiqing Xu; Ninglian Wang; Timothy J. Williams; Feng Wang; Yuguang Zhou; Qing Liu; Ricardo Cavicchioli*; Linking genomic and physiological characteristics of psychrophilic Arthrobacter to metagenomic data to explain global environmental distribution. Microbiome, 2021, 9: 136.

(6) Liu Yongqin*; Shen Liang; Zeng Yonghui; Xing Tingting; Xu Baiqing; Wang Ninglian; Genomic insights of Cryobacterium isolated from ice core reveal genome dynamics for adaptation in glacier. Front Microbiol, 2020, 11: 01530.

(7) Shen Liang; Liu Yongqin*; Wang Ninglian; Adhikari Namita Paudel; Genomic insights of Dyadobacter tibetensis Y620-1 isolated from ice core reveal genomic features for succession in glacier environment. Microorganisms, 2019, 7(7): 211.

(8) Shen Liang; Liu Yongqin*; Wang Ninglian; Jiao Nianzhi; Xu Baiqing; Liu Xiaobo; Variation with depth of the abundance, diversity and pigmentation of culturable bacteria in a deep ice core from the Yuzhufeng Glacier, Tibetan Plateau. Extremophiles, 2018, 22(1): 29-38.

(9) Liang Shen; Yongqin Liu*; Zhengquan Gu; Baiqing Xu; Ninglian Wang; Nianzhi Jiao; Hongcan Liu; Yuguang Zhou. Massilia eurypsychrophila sp. nov. a facultatively psychrophilic bacteria isolated from ice core. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2015, 65(7):2124-2129.

(10) Liang Shen; Tandong Yao; Yongqin Liu*; Nianzhi Jiao; Shichang Kang; Baiqing Xu; Shuhong Zhang; Downward-shifting Temperature Range for the Growth of Snow-bacteria on Glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2014, 31(9): 779-787.

(11) Liang Shen; Tandong Yao; Baiqing Xu; Hongmei Wang; Nianzhi Jiao; Shichang Kang; Xiaobo Liu; Yongqin Liu*; Variation of culturable bacteria along depth in the East Rongbuk ice core, Mt. Everest. Geoscience Frontiers, 2012, 3(3): 327-334.

(12) 刘勇勤*, 姚檀栋, 徐柏青, 焦念志, 骆庭伟, 邬光剑, 赵华标, 沈亮, 刘晓波. 慕士塔格冰芯中近百年来细菌数量与气候环境变化的关系. 第四纪研究, 2013, 33(1):19-25.

2. 参编书籍

(1) 《冰冻圈科学丛书: 冰冻圈气候环境记录》. 北京: 科学出版社, 2021, 参编.


·         中国科学院经理优秀奖