
职称:教授 博士生导师



19887月在Bsports必一运动获学士学位,19917月在Bsports必一运动获动物学硕士学位,毕业后一直在Bsports必一运动工作。20051月在中国科技大学获神经生物学博士学位。2005-2007年在美国Georgia State University生物学系从事博士后研究工作,2008-2009年在美国Baylor College of Medicine做访学和研究工作。




2001年以前曾从事我国珍稀动物扬子鳄的发育生物学研究工作。2001年以后一直从事神经细胞生物学研究工作,主要探索衰老相关的脑功能衰退以及视觉知觉和知觉学习的神经机制。采用在体电生理记录方法检测衰老对视觉皮层神经元反应功能的影响,结合免疫荧光标记、Western blotq-PCR等技术探索衰老引起的神经元功能衰退的细胞分子机制;采用非损伤性的知觉学习、热量摄入限制和经颅直流电刺激(tDCS)等方式调控脑内神经网络活动及相关神经递质系统作用的平衡,以维护和增强脑的正常信息处理和调节功能。该研究对脑衰老的延缓途径以及神经疾病和脑损伤治疗对策的探索有潜在的应用价值。


[1] 2018-2021年,国家自然科学基金资助项目“视觉对比度检测的脑机制研究”,60万元,主持

[2] 2012-2015年,国家自然科学基金资助项目“方位辨别知觉学习的脑机制研究”,60万元,主持

[3] 2009-2012年,安徽省教育厅重点研究项目“初级视皮层毁损后视觉保留与恢复的脑机制”, 主持

[4] 2007-2010年,安徽省自然科学基金资助项目“学习诱导的视觉对比敏感度升高的神经机制研究”,主持

[5] 2010-2011年,国家自然科学基金重点项目“弱视认知损害机制的研究”(No.30630027)的子课题,主持

[6] 2010-2011年,中国科技大学横向合作研究项目“人眼对比敏感度曲线测试过程中对比度自适应调节软件的开发”,主持

[7] 2006-2007年,国家基金委重大国际合作项目“灵长类视觉系统衰老的神经机制及可能的延缓途径”(No. 30520120072)的子课题,主持


一、 代表性论文及论著*号为通讯作者):

[1] Ding J, Ye Z, Xu F, Hu X, Yu H, Zhang S, Tu Y, Zhang Q, Sun Q, Hua T*, Lu ZL* Effects of top-down influence suppression on behavioral and V1 neuronal contrast sensitivity functions in cats. 2022, iScience 25 (1):103683.

[2] Yu, H., Xu, F., Hu, X., Tu, Y., Zhang, Q., Ye, Z., and Hua T*. (2022). Mechanisms of Surround Suppression Effect on the Contrast Sensitivity of V1 Neurons in Cats. Neural plasticity 2022, 5677655. 10.1155/2022/5677655.

[3] Pan H., Zhang, S., Pan D., Ye, Z., Yu H., Ding J., Hua T*. Characterization of Feedback Neurons in the High-Level Visual Cortical Areas That Project Directly to the Primary Visual Cortex in the Cat. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2021, 14(103). doi: 10.3389/fnana.2020.616465

[4] Pan, D., Pan, H., Zhang, S., Yu, H., Ding, J., Ye, Z., & Hua, T*. Top-down influence affects the response adaptation of V1 neurons in cats. Brain Res Bull, 2021, 167, 89-98. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2020.12.007

[5] Jian Ding, Xiangmei Hu, Fei Xu, Hao Yu, Zheng Ye, Shen Zhang, Huijun Pan, Deng Pan, Yanni Tu, Qiuyu Zhang, Qingyan Sun, Tianmiao Hua* Suppression of topdown influence decreases neuronal excitability and contrast sensitivity in the V1 cortex of cat. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11:16034.

[6] Xiaojing Zhao, Jian Ding, Huijun Pan, Shen Zhang, Deng Pan, Hao Yu, Zheng Ye, Tianmiao Hua*. Anodal and cathodal tDCS modulate neural activity and selectively affect γ-aminobutyric acid and glutamate syntheses in the visual cortex of cats. Journal of Physiology-London, 2020, 598 (17): 3727-3745.

[7] Zhu Z, Wang H, Jiang Y, Hua T*, Zhang C*. Heroin exposure and withdrawal differentially influence expression of NMDA receptor NR2 subunits in the prelimbic region of rat medial prefrontal cortex. Neuroscience Letters, 2020, 721, 134819.

[8] Zaiman ZhuZheng YeHui WangTianmiao Hua*Qingyun WenChangzheng Zhang*  Theta–gamma coupling in the prelimbic area is associated with heroin addiction. Neuroscience Letters, 2019, 701: 26-31.

[9] Yanxia Ding, Ting Chen, Qin Wang, Yingying Yuan, Tianmiao Hua* Axon initial segment plasticity accompanies enhanced excitation of visual cortical neurons in aged rats. NeuroReport 2018, 29(18): 1537-1543. doi: 10.1097 / WNR.0000000000001145.

[10] Ding Y, Zheng Y, Liu T, Chen T, Wang C, Sun Q, Hua M, Hua T* Changes in GABAergic markers accompany degradation of neuronal function in the primary visual cortex of senescent rats. Scientific reports 2017, 7:14897. DOI:10.1038 /s41598-017-15006-3

[11] Yang J, Wang Q, He F, Ding Y, Sun Q, Hua T*. Dietary restriction affects neuronal response property and GABA synthesis in the primary visual cortex. PLoS One 2016, 112 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149004 February 10.

[12] Hua T, Bao P., Huang CB, Wang Z, Xu J, Zhou Y, Lu Z-L*. Perceptual learning improves contrast sensitivity of V1 neurons in cats. Current Biology 2010, 20: 887-894.

[13] Hua T, Li X, He L, Zhou Y, Wang YC, Leventhal AG*. Functional Degradation of Visual Cortical Cells in Old Cats. Neurobiology of Aging 2006, 27: 155-162.

[14] Zhu Q, Zhou P, Wang S, Zhang C*, Hua T*. A preliminary study on cerebellar acetylcholine mediated blood pressure regulation in young and old rats. Experimental Gerontology 2015, 63: 76-80.

[15] Zhou P, Zhu Q, Liu M, Li J, Wang Y, Zhang C, Hua T*. Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in cerebellar cortex participates in acetylcholine-mediated blood depressor response in rats. Neuroscience Letters 2015, 593: 129-133.

[16] Meng J, Liu R, Wang K, Hua T*, Lu Z-L*. Neural correlates of stimulus spatial frequency-dependent contrast detection. Experimental Brain Research 2013, 225 (3): 377-385.

[17] Lu Z-L*, Hua T, Huang CB, Zhou Y, Dosher BA. Visual perceptual learning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 2011, 95: 145-151.

[18] HUA G, SHI X, ZHOU J, PENG Q, HUA T*. Decline of selectivity of V1 neurons to visual stimulus spatial frequencies in old cats. Neuroscience Bulletin 2011, 27(1): 9-14.

[19] Hua T*, Kao C, Sun Q, Li X, Zhou Y*. Decreased proportion of GABAergic neurons accompamies age-related degradation of neuronal function in cat striate cortex. Brain Research Bulletin 2008, 75(1): 119-125.

[20] Hua T*, Li G, Tang C, Wang Z, Chang S. Enhanced adaptation of visual cortical cells to visual stimulation in aged cats. Neuroscience Letters 2009, 451: 25-28.



陈壁辉,华田苗,吴孝兵,王朝林扬子鳄研究  上海科技教育出版社.  200312


[1] 华田苗等,发明专利,动物保定盒(专利号:201610325743.5

[2] 华田苗等,发明专利,砂纸裁剪器(专利号:201610851710.4


[1] 1995年,扬子鳄感觉器官的组织学与胚胎学研究获国家教委科学技术进步奖三等奖(排序第3);

[2] 2007年,论文“Functional degradation of visual cortical cells in old cats”获国家科技部中国科技信息研究所颁发的中国百篇最具影响优秀国际学术论文奖(排序第一)。

[3] 2014年,因教学和科研工作优秀被授予全国模范教师称号。