姓名: 孙丽娜





2019.12 至今   上海市农业科学院生态环境保护研究所          副研究员

2016.07 –2019.12上海市农业科学院生态环境保护研究所         助理研究员

2010.09 –2015.12 南京农业老员工命科学学院                   硕博连读



上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划项目获得者,闵行区春申人才,2019年入选上海市农业科学院助跑计划,荣获院农科好青年。近年来,先后主持参与国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金、上海市科委国内合作和上海市农委科技兴农等项目10多项。以第一或通讯作者在JAGR FOOD CHEM, ENVIRON RESSCI刊物上发表论文20余篇,申请和授权发明专利5项,获得上海市新品种认定3个,完成科技成果转化3项。


1.上海市农业农村委员会,科技兴农重点攻关项目,202202080012F01152,农田土壤多环芳烃苯并芘污染修复技术研究与示范, 2022-042023-0398.45万元,技术骨干;








9.江苏省普通高校学术学位研究生科研创新计划,KYZZ0177Nocardioides soli mbc-2菌株2-氨基苯并咪唑脱氨酶基因的克隆和表达,2014-062015-063万元,主持;

10.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,31370155Rhodococcus jialingiae djl-6-2降解多菌灵的途径及分子机制研究,2014-012017-1278万元,技术骨干。



1.Liu hongming; Yuan Meng; Liu Aimin; Zhu Guoping; Sun Lina*. A bifunctional enzyme belonging to cytochrome P450 family involved in the O-dealkylation and N-dealkoxymethylation toward chloroacetanilide herbicides in Rhodococcus sp.B2. Microbial Cell Factories, 2021, 20(1): 61.    

2.Sun Lina; Guo Bin; Lyu Weiguang; Tang Xianjin. Genomic and physiological characterization of an antimony and arsenite-oxidizing bacterium Roseomonas rhizosphaerae. Environmental Research, 2020, 191: 110136.     

3.Sun Lina; Gao Xinhua; Chen Wei; Huang Kaihua; Bai Naling; Lyu Weiguang ; Liu Hongming.  Characterization of the propham biodegradation pathway in Starkeya sp. strain YW6 and cloning of a novel amidase gene mmH. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 65(15): 4193-4199. 

4.Yao Li; Lai Yuhan; Xue Fei; Sun Lina*; Wang Jialian. Paracandidimonas caeni sp. nov.  isolated from sludge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2019,69(11):3332-3337.

5.Sun Lina; Liu Hongming; Gao Xinhua; Chen Wei; Huang Kaihua; Zhang Sui. Isolation of monocrotophos-degrading strain sphingobium sp. YW16 and cloning of its Tnopda. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018,25(5), 4942-4950.

6.Liu Hongming; Ren Lei; Lu Peng; Sun Lina*; Zhu Guoping. Arenimonas caeni sp. nov. isolated from activated sludge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology,2018,68(9), 2996-3000.

7.Sun Lina; Zhu Shijun; Yang Zhengzhong; Chen Qing; Liu Hongming; Hong Qing. Degradation of monocrotophos by Starkeya novella YW6 isolated from contaminated paddy soil. Environmental science and pollution research, 2016, 23(4):1-9.

8.Sun Lina; Zhang Jun; Gong Fen-Fen; Wang Xiang; Hu Gang; Li Shun-Peng; Hong Qing. Nocardioides soli sp nov., a carbendazim-degrading bacterium isolated from soil under the long-term application of carbendazim. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014, 64, 2047-2052.

9.Sun Lina; Zhang Jun; Chen Qing; He Jian; Li Qin-Fen; Li Shun-Peng. Comamonas jiangduensis sp nov., a biosurfactant-producing bacterium isolated from agricultural soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2013, 63, 2168-2173.

10.Sun Lina; Zhang Jun; Chen Qing; He Jian; Li Shunpeng. Sphingobacterium caeni sp nov., isolated from activated sludge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2013,63, 2260-2264.

11.Sun Lina; Zhang Jun; Kwon SoonWo; He Jian; Zhou Shungui; Li Shunpeng. Paracoccus huijuniae sp nov, an amide pesticide-degrading bacterium isolated from activated sludge of a wastewater biotreatment system. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2013,63, 1132-1137.

12.Chen Qing; Sun Lina; Zhang Xiaoxia; He Jian; Kwon SoonWo; Zhang Jun; Gu Jingang. Roseomonas rhizosphaerae sp nov., a triazophos degrading bacterium isolated from soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014, 64, 1127-1133.

13.Gu Tao; Sun Lina; Zhang Jun; Sui XinHua; Li Shunpeng. Rhizobium flavum sp nov., a triazophos-degrading bacterium isolated from soil under the long-term application of triazophos. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014, 64, 2017-2022.

14.Li Qinfen; Sun Lina; Kwon SoonWo; Chen Qing; He Jian; Li Shunpeng; Zhang Jun. Xenophilus arseniciresistens sp nov., an arsenite-resistant bacterium isolated from soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014, 64, 1926-1931.


(1)孙丽娜; 张穗; 高新华; 陈伟; 黄开华 ; 一株农药残留广谱降解菌株DS3及其生产的菌剂和应用, 2019-12-17, 中国, ZL201710570186.8

(2)孙丽娜; 高新华; 陈伟; 黄开华; 邱文 ; 一株有机污染降解菌株A7及其生产的菌剂和应用, 2022-06-16, 中国, CN202210683433.6      

(3)孙丽娜; 高新华; 陈伟; 黄开华; 邱文 ; 一株苯并[a]芘降解菌株158及其生产的菌剂和应用, 2022-12-8, 中国, CN202211570240.6